
This site is dedicated to the memory of Cranford Nix, Jr.. He was a really cool guy. He wrote and played great music. He made a lot of people smile.

I would love to put more here. Suggestions?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I buy a Cranford CD/LP? - There are no CDs available for purchase. There is a company called Rockin' Bones that sells an LP.
  • If I record a Cranford song, can I sell it? - No, absolutely not!!
  • How did Cranford die? - He died from drug and alcohol abuse. Please don't do drugs, or try to emulate Cranford's lifestyle. He struggled with addiction his whole adult life. His death wasn't cool or glamorous. It was terribly sad and a tragic waste.
  • Who runs this site? - Timothy Steffes, with the blessing of Cranford's family. I make no money from this. The web site hosting cost is paid out of my pocket. All the work I do, I do for free. I'm doing this to honor a great man, that died too damn soon.